Flight Instruction
On this page: Solo | Private Pilot | Instrument Rating | Commercial Pilot | CFI
Get Your FAA Certification Here – Our Program Will Meet Your Needs
Do you already have a full-time job and want to explore a new hobby? Then come join our elite clientele. We specialize in teaching beginner and part-time students how to fly. The majority of our student body don’t plan on making aviation a new career and are already successful in their current full time endeavors; so we craft a program which will accommodate their lifestyles—whether it’s two hours a week, 10 hours a week, or full time—we will make sure they get the most out of their custom program and achieve their goal of earning their pilot’s license. Call us to find out more about how our staff can work with your busy schedule.
Choose from the following six certification programs:
- Solo Pilot Certification
- Recreational Pilot Certification
- Private Pilot Certification
- Instrument Rating
- Commercial Pilot Certification
- Certified Flight Instructor
The First Step is the Most Important
The first step is simple, and for some reason, difficult for many. But the fact remains. There’s only one way to learn how to fly, just like there’s only one way to learn how to ride a bike, swim, surf the Internet, go on a date and so on. And that, of course, is to do it. The sense of accomplishment, however, we promise, will be far greater than what we just listed, and for one good reason. Just about everyone learns how to ride a bike, swim, surf the Net, and go on a date. But less than one percent of the population ever flies a plane, which is unfortunate.
You will see, once you’re up there with one of our FAA certified flight instructors, that learning to fly is an accomplishment like no other. But don’t take my word for it, come on out today and see for yourself. I promise you will thank yourself for the rest of your life for having done so.
Please do NOT confuse our Total-Immersion-Flights with one of THOSE scenic or REGULAR introductory flying lessons offered by some other schools. Our Total-Immersion-Flights (three to choose from) are designed to do just that … totally immerse you in flying (except landing the plane, of course).
You will be challenged by your instructor to do EVERYTHING that a pilot does BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER a normal flight so that you can determine — along with your flight instructor — whether you have what it takes to become a certified pilot. And also, whether you want to turn turn this single event into a ongoing journey of exhilaration, adventure and personal growth.
Included as a part of the Total-Immersion-Flight is a pre-arranged 15 minute conference with the Chief Pilot immediately following your completed your Total-Immersion-Flight. This is a great time to ask the Chief Pilot questions and get additional information you might need
As you can imagine, the questions that you’ll be asking the Chief Pilot AFTER your Total-Immersion-Flight will be totally different then they would have been before the flight because …
You will have just experienced actual flying conditions and actual flight operations and procedures. Believe me it opens a whole new exciting world that you can’t even imagine until you actually experience it.
We strongly encourage you to take advantage with this one-on-one session with the flight instructor to discuss continuing your flight instruction. But also remember… You’re under no obligation of any kind to take any additional lessons.
As a matter of fact, the point of the Total-Immersion-Flight program is for you (and the FAA certified Flight Instructor) to determine whether this truly unique accomplishment will be a “one-off” event or an ongoing journey of that will continue to exhilarate, stimulate and expand your personal growth and character. Either way, you have already accomplished something that 99 percent of the population never will.
It’s Totally Up To You…
All you have to do today is to make a DECISION that you will try one Total-Immersion-Flight. We’ll send you an “open ticket” for your Total-Immersion-Flight which, by the way is actually good for 2 years. Of course, you will probably want to use it right away.
Along with the Total-Immersion-Flight ticket comes a package of materials that will supply you with all of the information you’ll need to read before you call to schedule your flight. Your Total-Immersion-Flight ticket and package will go out immediately, and you’ll probably have your ticket in tomorrow morning’s mail.
Once you’ve had a chance to read through the material that comes with your Total-Immersion-Flight ticket, all you have to do is call us (800 494-5535) to set up your flight. Information about “how to schedule your flight” is also included in the materials.
Scheduling Total-Immersion-Flights is never a problem, we have 16 instructors, we’re open 7 days per week, from 7am to 11pm, we can always schedule a flight at a time that is convenient for YOU!
For more information on the Total-Immersion-Flight packages, click here.
Solo Pilot Certification
The Total-Immersion-Flight Program (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite to begin solo training.
Many pilots believe that their “Solo Flight” was among the greatest accomplishments in their life. Understand that when you solo, there will be no one else on board, so obviously, at this point you will know “how to fly an airplane!” at least under ideal conditions.
A Solo flight is defined as…
when a student pilot flies an aircraft, safely and competently and completes 3 takeoffs and landings — solo —meaning without an instructor on board.
- Completion of the Total-Immersion-Flight Program (or equivalent)
- You must make a commitment to taking lessons on a regular basis; these times are called instructional slots.
- You must have minimum of at least 10 hours of flight instruction
- You must be “signed off” as qualified by their instructor
- You must be “signed off” as qualified by the Chief Pilot
- Weather conditions must be perfect or near perfect
Flight training costs will vary depending on the instructor, type of airplane and how quickly the student progresses through the program. The national average cost for a solo pilot course is between $5,000 and $10,000.
Remember, This is How to Begin…
- All you have to do today is to … make a … DECISION … that you’d like to try one Total-Immersion-Flight … once in your life.
- We’ll send you an “open ticket” for your Total-Immersion-Flight which, by the way is actually good for 2 years. Of course, we want you to use it right away.
- Along with the Total-Immersion-Flight ticket comes a package of materials that will supply you with all of the information … you’ll need to read … before ….you call to schedule your flight.
- Your Total-Immersion-Flight ticket and package will go out immediately, and you’ll probably have your ticket in tomorrow morning’s mail.
- Once you’ve had a chance to read through the material that comes with your Total-Immersion-Flight ticket, all you have to do is … call us … to set up your flight.
- Information about “how to schedule your flight” is also included in the materials that are sent to you.
- Scheduling Total-Immersion-Flights is never a problem, we have 16 instructors, we’re open 7 days per week, from 7am to 11pm, we can always schedule a flight at a time that is convenient for YOU!
Private Pilot Certification
To obtain a private pilot certificate, you must be at least 17 years old and have a minimum of 40 flight hours. You must also pass the FAA private pilot’s written examination (a 60-question, multiple choice test) and a check-ride with an FAA examiner.
Flight training costs will vary depending on the instructor, type of airplane and how quickly the student progresses through the program. The national minimum cost for a private pilot course is $14,000 to $16,000.
Time Requirement:
Chicago Executive Flight School operates from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., 7 days a week, year round. You can learn to fly in as little as 4 weeks or take as long as you need, there is no time limit. Some people fly as little as once a month. However, we recommended you fly once a week.
Flight lessons must fit into your time schedule and your budget. It will not pay to over commit yourself in either time or money matters and fly regularly. Complying to a regular schedule is the best way to learn…and the most affordable too.
Instrument Rating
No pilot’s training would be complete without the key ingredient: the Instrument Rating. In order to fully enjoy the benefits of the Private Pilot Certificate and have the freedom to travel even short distances from your home airport, with the confidence that should the weather take a turn for the worst, (as it usually does in the Midwest) you’ll be prepared.
Approximate Cost: $20,000.00
Commercial Pilot Certification
Contact one of our Flight Training Specialists to discuss the possibility of you joining the elite few who earn their living with the best view in the house.
Certified Flight Instructor
(The Best of the Best)
Looking for a future as a pilot or a possible career change? Contact one of our flight training specialists to discuss the possibility of you joining the elite few who earn their living with the best view in the house!
Teaching requires not only a great deal of patience, but a command of aviation knowledge. If you think a career in aviation is in the cards, or if you would like to achieve this level as the ultimate in aviation challenges, then give us a call for more information.